“…This training will bring to light, a pivotal factor for personal and professional success, and arm participants with the ability to connect with others, manage their emotions and that of others, thereby giving them an EQ edge…”

The ability to manage one’s emotions and others under pressure is far more important than technical skills, as a manger.

Steve Job’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, attributed some of Jobs’s success in leading Apple to develop many of the most popular and creative technology products on the market to his abilities to identify, analyze, and control emotions. This means that it is not intelligence in the traditional sense that differentiated Jobs from other leaders in his industry. Instead, Jobs understood better than his competitors how people felt when using different products, and he leveraged this understanding to design computers and phones that appealed more to customers.

Since research on Emotional Intelligence began, results overwhelmingly show that people high in various combinations of emotional competencies outperform people who are weak in those areas.

Emotional intelligence is going to continue to become even more important in the business world in the future than it is today. As the baby boomer population approaches retirement age, companies are going to find themselves dealing with labor shortages, the likes of which have never been seen before.

Emotional Intelligence involves being sensitive to and perceptive of other people’s emotions, and having the ability to intuitively facilitate improved performance based on this knowledge.

It is applicable to every human interaction in business: from staff motivation to customer service, brainstorming and company presentations. Thus, a business in which the staff are emotionally intelligent is one which enables them to work together to maximum effectiveness. This can only increase the organization’s success, however measured.

Whether you are a formal manager or want to increase your individual performance (or both), this program will teach you the foundational principles and brain science of Emotional Intelligence (EI).

Focusing on managing your emotions under pressure, this program will enable you to increase your personal leadership by learning how to manage your emotional brain in your most difficult moments. This will allow you to influence and engage others, and connect with them in a more meaningful way.


This training will bring to light, a pivotal factor for personal and professional success, and arm participants with the ability to connect with others, manage their emotions and that of others, thereby giving them an EQ edge. Participants will therefore be able to:

  • Define Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Highlight the advantages of emotional intelligence
  • Practice the four core skills required for emotional intelligence
  • Interpret and manage their emotions and that of others
  • Implement tools to regulate and control one’s own emotions
  • Identify patterns, triggers and emotional habits that either drive or derail performance
  • Impact others effectively
  • Learn the brain science of emotions that drives your behavior under pressure
  • Increase awareness of the situations that put them at risk of having your emotions lead to unskillful behavior and poor decisions
  • Learn practical strategies to help them respond more skillfully as pressure, tension and complexity increase
  • Identify patterns, triggers and emotional habits that either drive or derail their performance
  • Learn to suspend judgment – become ‘more curious and less certain’ – to effectively engage and influence others
  • Understand how to be an effective coach and help others develop the skills to perform under pressure
  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
  • Benefits of EQ
  • The Academic Theory of EI & Assessing EQ
  • Five Dimensions of the Trait EI Model
  • EQ Self-Assessment Activity
  • Becoming Self-Aware
  • Self-Manage for Success
  • Practicing Open Mindedness to Opposing Viewpoints
  • Compromise for Success
  • Choose Your Attitude
  • Self-Management/Regulating Your Emotions
  • ‘EQ” in Action
  • Emotional Science
  • Amygdala Hijack – What’s Happening Inside Our Head When We Lose Control
  • Understanding Emotions
  • Find Your Self-Control
  • Using Coping Methods
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ) For Professionals Training Course – Lesson 5
  • Principles of Self-Motivation (M)
  • Understanding the art of balancing Optimism and Pessimism
  • Empathy (E)
  • What are the Barriers to Empathy?
  • Developing Your Empathy
  • Enhancing your Social Skills.
  • Creating a formidable first Impression
  • Traits of a Person with High Social Skills
  • Skills in Emotional Intelligence
  • How to Accurately Perceive and Manage Emotions
  • Using Emotions to Facilitate Thinking
  • Understand Emotional Meanings
  • Mastering Verbal Communication Skills
  • The art of Focused Listening
  • Communicating with Flexibility and Authenticity
  • Mastering Non-Verbal Communication Skills-Body Language
  • Understanding the Signals You Send to Others
  • Understand Emotions and How to Manage Them in the Workplace
  • Formal lectures
  • Case studies
  • Group exercises
  • Experience sharing
  • Role Playing
    • Effective working relationship
    • Improved thinking skills
    • Increased personal effectiveness
    • Improved self-management
    • Competitive edge
    • Improved morale
    • Higher productivity

 This training is for senior leadership teams, front line to mid-level managers, emerging leaders, sales leaders and managers, individual contributors, and employees, supervisors, high potentials, managers, and executive and anyone looking to improve their self-management and interpersonal skills


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Our Vision

To become the leading provider of training & consulting services in Africa.


Head Office

2, Esomo Street, Off Toyin Street, Via Opebi Allen, Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.


Speak to Our Agent

  • 09090011107. 09090011108
  • info@kaizenblitz.org

About Us

Kaizen Blitz is a management training and consulting firm providing cutting edge solutions to address some of the most complex challenges facing businesses at majorly three levels- Individuals, Teams and Organizational.
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